Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Thread Topic: Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Rehearsals for the Shakespeare mashup sucked ass
No one remembers their lines in the second half (except for Eli) so we only got 3 scenes done after intermission, and I didn't get to do my lines, which ik feels like a boohoo cry about it moment, but I'm not upset about not going on stage if it's not for the fact that it took an HOUR to get to my scenes
AN HOUR to finished 3 scenes, and we're performing in a few days -
Ik our teacher is cutting scenes people aren't prepared in tho, so that's good
also gender dysphoria is sooooo bad in theater omg- I feel bad for Eli bc he plays Ophelia in it so that's gotta be 10 times worse -
I feel like I'm overcompensating for something but what that something is I have no clue
Show day is tonight
we'resoscrewedholys--- -
I figured out my grand entrance tho-
the stage is a giant platform in the center of the cafeteria, and I've decided that when I enter, I just jump onto it and roll xD -
I'm terrified for performances omg
The entire cast has decided that we'll show up 30 minutes earlier than we're supposed to and just scream our emotions about this thing out lmao -
I'm so scared but I'm also excited tbh
Ik a lot of the scenes are slow and a nightmare, but the ones me and my friends are in are super fun so I'm happy
My favorite scenes are Desdemona murder scene, the Six song (we're singing the first song randomly lmao), the dance we're doing, the Tamin of the Shrew scenes, and Ophelia -
The Ophelia scene is honestly really good, it's one that no one really expects to be good, but Eli's done a great job of playing around with the audience and completely transforming into Ophelia, the scene gives me chills every time lmao
this doesn't fit with the venty theme of this thread but shush -
Okay why is politics so stupid now
Like the right wing party is supposed to be the one that wants to save money and s--- but they're the ones spending their time and money on social issues
Like can we stop arguing about abortion and trans rights and move on to idk, cheaper healthcare? Because currently the healthcare is expensive as f--- (that includes period products, it shouldn't cost 30 bucks to get three boxes of pads, that's f---ed up) -
Like even my dads side of the family (aka the huge mega trump supporters) are tired of the whole "tRaNs pUbErty BLocKers cAuSe bRaiN DaMaGe" (they don't, they save lives and were used by cis people for decades. Now that trans people are becoming a 'problem' they have to make up s---) and the "aBoRtiOn KiLLs BaBieS" stuff, they just want the economic problems to get figured out
Like genuinely no one cares about the social problems yall are bringing up, all you're doing is causing more problems and confusion into politics -
It's so strange surrounding myself with good people
I mean, I wouldn't call most of the people I hang out/used to hang out with bad people or anything, but it's nice to know there are people in my theater who genuinely care about me -
I definitely want to do theater again next semester, now I just have to convince my parents to let me switch seminary (or painting but I think I'll like that class) for it-
the funny part about my grades is I have a C in my math class (because of the stupid motherf---ing test that she didn't prepare us for) but all my other are A's so I'll wind up with a decent GPA still xD
I feel so manipulated eugh
wow I really wasted 7 years of my life in this stupid friendship
and then another year watching her do the same thing to my real friends
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