Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Thread Topic: Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Iz you better be ok
Nobody deletes all 50 of their paylists except one unless something bad is going on -
Iz is ok I think. They weren't at school today but Miguire contacted them earlier (i don't have her number) and didn't seem too worried after so I'm guessing it's ok
In other news a kid with a knife tried to break into my school today, bullies are getting 10 times worse, and a kid got expelled (or at least suspended) for beating up a kid and then trying to break into the classroom he was in
Thank god for the weekend
hot take but the worst part about the election (so far at least) are the triumphant bullies
nothing too bad has happened to me so far (perks of being semi closeted lol) but jesus christ Johnny, Jo, E, and Kay have been harrassed so much about 2025 it's insane -
Lowkey can't tell if I'm just stressed or if I'm at my limit
It's probably just stress, but my god I feel like everything's just getting worse and all my mental problems are getting worse and more noticable and ik it's stupid to blame everything on your mental state but it's true so wHAtEvEr
How do you tell your friend that their best friend is a two faced rumor starting a--hole
It feels wrong to not tell them because it is wrong, but they're already in such a bad mental headspace and I don't want to make them paranoid over whether their friends really care about them or not because I've been in that position and I know just how much that sucks -
And I've told Miguire (not in the gossipy way lol, we're each others therapists) and he's said to just wait until they get in a bit better of a headspace but I don't know how long that'll take and I feel bad for keeping it a secret for this long
not much of a vent but it doesn't fit with my normal thread lol
Genuinely can't tell if i'm attracted to real life human beings or if I'm just attracted to attention -
It's kind of a joke in the friend group that I'm an attention addict, but normally being addicted to attention also means you're addicted to praise, and I'm very not addicted to praise
Idk praise makes me feel good for a moment like "oh my god you care about me enough to notice when I do something right-" but then it just makes me spiral into a "but I could be doing it BETTER" kinda thingy because in my mind if I'm not helping, I'm hurting just as much as the actual problem, and that then makes me feel guilty because I should be able to help more and guilt it not a fun feeling therefore praise is bad -
hey lucas remember when you used to be best friends with that psychopath?
honestly shocked that boy isn't expelled yet lowkey
I have so many horror stories about this loser- -
I hate keeping secrets oh my god
This one is just hard to mention because I can't do it when Kay's in a bad mental headspace which they're in but I also don't want to wait forever until they're happy just to go "Hey pookie your best friend started a rumor about you that turned half of the friend group against you and started a whole ass fight and I'm only telling you this now because you're finally happy so good luck with that" -
Help I was soooooo late to seminary ack
It's fine because so long as I'm on time for the rest of the term it won't show up on my report card but ohhhhhh no if my parents wind up seeing that-
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