Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Thread Topic: Vent thread I'll probably forget about
can't believe I'm still losing my mind about this stupid girl, that's so pathetic
Especially since there's so much more to worry about rn (*cough* Miguire *cough* Iz) -
I feel like the world's going to s--- but maybe that's just my innocence wearing off
my theater teacher was sobbing today
it's really scary knowing rn that they're building ghettos and s--- like that in America for people like her and her family and Eli -
It's so scary knowing that in just a few months I might never see my favorite people again because of this s---
Seriously this s--- is apocalyptic wtf
I genuinely had such a good day, in theater we just read a script about kids during the holocaust (it was the I Never Saw Another Butterfly play) and my teacher kept looking up at us to see if we were connecting the dots and at the end she started crying
what if everything works out the way I think it will
jesus christ I've been getting so paranoid lately
lowkey november/december might be worse than february, we'll just have to wait and see -
i know i need this but admitting it is scarier than i want to admit.
You okay? And do you wanna talk about it or nah?
I'm alg, I just got back from therapy
My therapist wants to know if I'm open to taking antidepressants. -
That’s good
Mine said something like that a while ago, if you do end up going on them (or if you don’t) I hope you feel at least a little better soon -
Yeah lol
I know I need them so I'll probably start taking them sometime next year. Thanks :) -
That’s good lol. You’re very welcome :)
Yeah. Hru?
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