Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Thread Topic: Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Yeah they did, thank you brownie :)
i hate how everyone is making a bigger deal out of this than it really is
im an awful friend for thinking that
get yourself a friend who goes to a different school and doesn't know any of the drama so then when you and your other friend call them to try and fill them in on the tea you both just wind up sitting in silence as you realize how stupid and meaningless all of the gossip and latest drama is
Dear God: hey dude it's me, please don't make me be the young womens president please please please
i want to believe that you're a good friend and that you didn't mean to do this to her, but how could you demolish her self worth like this
b---- really went "new year new me"
like dude you me and Miguire were hanging out literally 24 hours ago and now you're screaming at us over text for something that was absolutely 100% your fault and 0% Miguires (i'm involved in the drama because i'm both of their therapists so i decided to just make a gc so i could try and confront both of them which was very much the wrong choice-) -
this is not a good start to 2025 but f--- it I will make this year a good one if I have to crawl up mount everest with my bare hands to make it good
this boy isn't worth my time but it sucks knowing I spent new years eve with him and then literally THE NEXT DAY he blocked me and Miguire on everything purely because "I feel awkward around you guys and you don't text me back anyways" which okay dude I'm sorry you feel awkward around us, but we text you back all the damn time, the one time I ghosted you it was because i was literally asleep, like I'm sorry but you're just wrong (and Miguire ghosted him ONCE because she was on a f---ing plane and couldn't text back because PLANE)
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