Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Thread Topic: Vent thread I'll probably forget about
I feel so unhelpful
I hate going on this thread every single day omfg get a life lucas
Kinda nervous for Phoenix's birthday party today
I love him but most of his friends are pieces of s---
At least Eli and Ray are going to be there -
it's so odd knowing we're a month away from 2025
if ykyk -
wow I can't even go 2 days without venting on here
that's so pathetic honestly -
obviously there's nothing wrong with other people using the vent threads all the time, people can do what they want, and I'd rather they use them than bottle emotions up, but if it's me that's using it all the damn time suddenly it's a problem lol
oh my god shakespeare performances are this week
Holy s---
and then I have 3 tests the same days and we're starting the Hello Dolly rehearsals- ohhhh s---
Alright lucas here's the main things to focus on for the week so you can stop stressing
1. AP Geo test. It's on religions and it's on Wednesday. Get at least 80% on it and you'll keep your A. This also counts as doing your gradesavers because you can do those within a half hour and it helps you out with your test
2. Theater performance. Make sure your costume is ready by Tuesday. Make sure all your lines are memorized and in character. Figure out how to do the big entrance for Puck (main ideas so far are baseball sliding, cartwheeling, or spinning around) and have fun with it
3. Religion presentation for AP Geo. It's on Judaism distribution and diffusion. It's a group project, and you're doing it with Kay and Miguire. Ask them for help if you have to, but just make sure you get your part of the project done and you're fine
4. Math homework. It's all done, for gods sake just turn it in
5. Video presentation for business class. Same as math homework, just ask her how she wants you to turn it in -
I'm so tired of being treated like a science project or glass about to break like can I not just be a human with human emotions?
what kind of f---ed up world are we living in where this is the best case scenario
s--- it's the math test retakes
I bombed that test lol (17/40) I need to lock innnnn -
The odd part is I've done all my homework and got it all right so idk what I did wrong on the test but clearly it was sOmEtHinG
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