Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Thread Topic: Vent thread I'll probably forget about
I hate it when people ask me if I'm okay multiple times.
Ask once, maybe twice, and that's it. I'm a pretty open person, if I'm not okay, I'll probably tell you. You don't have to pry. Asking multiple times sends me down a spiral of "oh wow I must not look alright wtf is wrong with me I thought I was ok but maybe I'm just gaslighting myself" -
Lowkey might be a trigger of some sorts, idk
Driven by the fear of being just like my older cousin
my moms surgery went well, so that's good
Can't tell if the meds are working well or if it's just been a good week but somethings going good so yay
the only real meltdowns I've had recently was the nonverbal episode yesterday, and that wasn't even that bad so I'm doing pretty alright
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