Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Thread Topic: Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Hello Dolly performances start on Wednesday
Since when has opening night ever happened on a Wednesday?? -
They either start on wednesday or there was a biiiiig oopsie on the advertisement posters at the school. I thought for sure opening night was Thursday since it's always been Thursday but NOPE lol
We finally went to the doctor to see the results for my antidepressants
I'm going to start going on them the day after Hello Dolly ends, in case they give me odd side affects -
I don't think I'll get many side affects from them tho. We did the gene test thingy and it's in the green, and my mom used to take them and she said the only side affects she got were changes in food cravings and she felt a lot more tired, so I think I should be fine
help not me and my mom trauma bonding over body issues and antidepressants for an hour
out of all the stuff I could've inherited from my mom, mental disorders just HAD to be one of them
I mean I technically didn't inherit mental disorders from her bc our anxiety and depression types/causes are different, but still
At least I didn't inherit the redhead gene lol -
The only reason I say I'm aromantic atp is because I genuinely can't tell the difference between platonic and romantic feelings when it comes to my emotions
That's probably more of a social environment causing thing rather than a personal identity thing, but whatever -
Aaaaanyways I give myself 2 weeks to figure out my emotions for this guy bc he clearly likes me a lot (he told me himself, I'm not making assumptions) and I'm stupid and can't process emotions like a normal human being :D
Istg my autism has kicked into full gear this week and I don't know why
Hopefully it's just performance highs lumped together with a lack of sleep, bc I can't deal with this s--- for much longer
I hate it when my brain functions like this -
I'm so exhausted
My sleep schedule is nonexistent this week -
Got maybe 4 hours of sleep last night
Plus there's just pure exhaustion from the show, and stress over the end of term and friends and going on new medication on Sunday and all that jazz
I had such a good day yesterday, wtf happened
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