Vent thread I'll probably forget about
Thread Topic: Vent thread I'll probably forget about
I feel like everything just kinda kaboomed in my face today
My theater teacher is retiring this year, this was her final school musical
Thank you for 37 years of directing top notch musicals -
I was crying like a f---ing baby today
She announced that she was retiring and it just hit me that I'd never be one of those students who pops up in her room after graduating like "hey remember me?" because she'll never be in that room after this year -
I wish I didn't compulsively stalk spotify. I hate doing it, and it gives me so much more stress over my friends, but if I don't check their playlists to make sure they're okay then that must mean that I don't care about them
all of the teachers that have truly given a s--- about me are all either retiring or getting fired this year
Not ALL of them, my old english and elementary teachers are still teaching after this year, but a good chunk of them are leaving once this school year is over
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