Manderoo~. c: That's my new nickname for you.
- Locked due to inactivity on Aug 4, '16 4:18pm
Thread Topic: Manderoo~. c: That's my new nickname for you.
Jenifer shook her head. "It's not like you can do anything about it, or that I'm going to leave you alone.." She whispered.
"Thank you. For everything..."
He mother watched the exchange, a few tears dripping off the tip of her nose. -
she shook her head again sadly. "You don't have to thank me for anything."
A doctor walked in and tapped his mother on the shoulder. "I'd like to talk to you about your son's condition," he said quietly, leading her out of the room. Christopher watched his mother go out into the hall. His eyes flickered back to Jenifer.
"I would've lost hope a long time ago if it wasn't for you. I love you to death, Jenny, and beyond that. You deserve more than this, more than what you've been given." He paused for a moment, staring into her eyes. "You've been nothing but good from the start. You're so strong and caring and sweet..." A single tear rolled down his cheek. His blue eyes seemed to sparkle, the water building up in them reflecting the bright lights from the ceiling. -
Jenifer smiled sadly, a few tears ran down her face. "I love you too, Chrissy." She said quietly, hugging him very gently.
He hugged her back, though his arms felt like dead weight.
The doctor returned with Christopher's mom, still holding the paperwork. "Your mother has discussed you condition with me. The hospital cannot do anything to further prolong your life. Therefore, you have a few options." Christopher shifted out of the hug to watch the doctor as he explained things.
"One, you could stay here under the watch of the hospital personnel. We can numb the pain and try to make everything as painless and stress free as possible. Two, we could transfer you to a hospital specializing in cancer and leukemia care. The last option is to return home and live life as you normally would until your time comes. It's up to you." -
Jenifer looked at Christopher, waiting for what he would choice.
Christopher glanced over at his mother, then Jenifer. "After today... I want to go home."
Jenifer nodded slightly.
"Alright." The doctor said. "We will arrange for you to leave at noon." -
With that, the doctor left to get the release forms.
Christopher shut his eyes, the dizziness just barely playing with the edges of his vision. -
Jenifer sat up a bit, looking down at her poor friend who would soon be gone. The thought brought tears to her eyes once again.
Christopher reached out a shaking hand, grasping on to Jenifer's. I'm sorry... Every bit of himself hated the fact that he'd have to leave her.
Jenifer turned back to look at him, grasping his hand back. She would miss him, a lot. More then he would ever know.
He held her gaze, his hand ceasing to shake once enveloped by hers.
She put her other hand on his cheek, while tightening her grip on the hand that she held.
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