Which Day Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz users for the quiz Which Day Are You?
Which Day Are You?
Your Result: Saturday 88%
resultCongratulations! You got Saturday, which is the best option to get. You are arguably the most popular day in the Day Gang. You are smart, funny, kind, awesome, cool, and, frankly, good looking. Everyone likes being around you, and you're the most exciting and social day of the week. You know how to make jokes on the spot, and when someone insults you, you can come up with the perfect comeback, but since you're so kind, you ignore the teeny tiny minority of haters, and go back to your gigantic friend group.
72% Thursday
68% Tuesday
52% Sunday
44% Friday
32% Monday-
i am pretty socal but not funny
Which Day Are You?
Your Result: Thursday 74%
resultYou're the Wyoming of days. When someone says Thursday other people say Who is that? Once people get to know you, though, they don't regret it. You're a very kind and funny individual, and, unlike Tuesday, you know how to tell jokes.
68% Wednesday
53% Friday
50% Tuesday
45% Saturday
39% Monday
28% Sunday
I'm definitely a Thursday.
cow tho lol -
Thursday,eh I do like making puns and having fun but I don't like being around people nor social much due to my past mostly.
Zimswife3 -
Yes, I know I spelled that wrong, but like, apparently I'm the boring kid. I would much rather be Friday or Thursday, but I mean, nothing wrong with Wedzzzzzzday.
Took this again and got Sunday, and why does it sound like the person I wish I was T_T
I got Friday very accurate
Good quiz, but I got Wednesday, and I'm definitely not ordinary lol
i am and i got Saturday
Tonight at midnight your true love will realize he likes you.if you don't send this to 5 other quizzes you will have relationship problems for the next 10 years if you post this on 10 other quizzes you will get everything you want tomorrow.
Ok, seriously, who decided my "One true love" was a HE?
Wednesday. The result description does not match nothing with me.
I got Sunday 81% I'm tall, chilling type and neutral in arguments. It's true!
Wednesday! Partly True, but I do have quite a lot of friends and no way am I neutral! Lol. Good quiz though!
Me too! In fact, I got 100% Wednesday,
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