Bayview Therian School Game: Getting Prepared!

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An interactive game about a Therian School, or a School for Therians. This series will follow you as you go through this school! Meet your classmates, and have fun!

I hope you enjoy it, and know that there is more to come. This quiz is about therians, so if you are a hater, please leave now. If there is any hate I will report it.

Created by: SplashWildPaws
  1. You are getting prepared for the first day of school. what bag do you bring?
  2. You are packing your lunch. What do you bring?
  3. You pack up your pencil case, what's in it?
  4. You decide to bring some gear, just for fun. What is it?
  5. You bring something to use in your spare time, what is it? (doesn't affect result much)
  6. You want to bring something for your locker. What do you bring?
  7. You want to be ready for gym class, which includes quadrobics. What do you bring?
  8. You heard the school was going to host a mask making challenge, which consists of voting on the best mask. What do you bring?
  9. You heard your class was going on a field trip to the forest to study animals. What do you bring?
  10. You are done! Did you like?

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