What is your strongest emotion? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your strongest emotion?
yea i got lust
ummm...i got sadness, i guess thats true...but it was closely followed by happiness and love. wierd...
bubblz1 -
yea w/e i have anger/hate as my strongest and emodude12 you poser
wow that's really good i m sad all eh time ever scince 1rst grade. i was always sad. i always am. except for a few times a day.
12cwatki1 -
sadness? hmph save the tears and just get over it. but good quiz =)
Jtb19961 -
dis quiz is lyke so awesome
love and peace, man.
johnb1 -
happy nice care cute preaty
ceuenfe1 -
i got sadness which is tru but i dont cry very often and i can with stand alot of pain
xevx1 -
Dunno1 -
yes i am hate def. -.-
hey you are right I do have a lot of anger but not that much!
lindseyt1 -
lool!!! -
anger and hate....
next is sadness....
its true.. -
ur not emmmooooo 4 gods sake get over urself ur far from that and quit posinggosh its nothin u joke bout.
swiss1011 -
love and happiness. yesss. this is true, man
thats not cool and totally not right. it hurts me :*(
I got fear... lol
>.< ahhh! i'm scared
hahahah xD or.. perhaps it's true O.o