What is your strongest emotion? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your strongest emotion?
I think this quiz was pretty good. It pretty much got me right. I don't think Fear is my top but for 2nd it had Hate and I think that would be first but for Love I had none, that is pretty true. Fun quiz. Good Quiz. I don't regret anything, this is one of those things I shouldn't regret taking anyway.
It appears hate and anger run in your veins, because these are your strongest emotions. You have a lot of built up anger and hate that you cannot control, and seem to hold strong grudges a lot of the time.
so true. . .
Happiness. That sounds like me. But more my friend, Shimmer. She makes sure everyone is happy, and helps others before herself. If you don't know her, you should meet her. She's very friendly!
That's nice! I think we all will get along very well! :)
This quiz is stupid...I got lust, and that's the least powerful of all of my sins! And you didn't consider people that don't have any friends or get offended by sex or whatever! You can go screw off.
It appears love and peace and prosperity is your strongest emotion. You want everyone to be just as happy as you don't want anyone hurt and will do anything to make everyone smile
What is wrong with this quiz? I'm not sad all the time! And when happiness is next up on the list... You just had a bunch of disasters mentioned in your quiz, so if I feel bad, then it's because I'm CARING. Terrible quiz.
Jealousy? Well that's just because I don't care about most things I guess, but what I do care about, are more important to me than I am. So I'd say love and jealousy are about tied when it comes to me :P
paradox41 -
It appears love and peace and prosperity is your strongest emotion. You want everyone to be just as happy as you don't want anyone hurt and will do anything to make everyone smile
I got sadness, not surprised i was clinically depressed for a year and a half as a teenager, never got the confidence back and can't find love.
What is your strongest emotion?
Your Result: Love/HappinessIt appears love and peace and prosperity is your strongest emotion. You want everyone to be just as happy as you don't want anyone hurt and will do anything to make everyone smile
WHAT THE f---?
Apparently its anger for me: I dont agree with this because I am probably the nicest and happiest person you will ever meet.
True! My strongest emotion is love/happiness! But anyways, ty for putting you time and effort into this quiz for us :)
Sen_Si1 -
i gotta say, i skipped a lot of the questions because none of the answers sounded even vaguely like me
I got sadness, with guilt/regret in second.
I don't agree with sadness, but guilt/regret sure was right.
lolz i got the Love/Happiness bit im always happy and even if im not i smile just because i don't want my friends 2 know because im an closed up person =/ i wouldn't even tell my bf coz hes soo sweet he would worry about me 2 much T__T
I got jealousy. What? My strongest emotion is hate
I got Sadness 81%
This is so true, I got emotional easily and I cry a lot, I cant help it though
This is me, sadness. I get upset easily. This is true. Its a little embarrassing
Isaberr1 -
Well i didnt know i was sad but i was verry confused and i hve no greed witch is good cuz steriotypes of americans are greedy but i had no clue that im sad i wonder why now?!?!
Ugh, sadness? Dude, I don't cry all the time, and I'm not upset easily. Many of these answers are not me, and the result is not me AT ALL!
for me,love is the strongest emotion because through love,we can feel everything.Like anger,pain,happines s,and many more
maricel1 -
Also I've made a personality/soul quiz and i'd love if ya'll would check it out.
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jealousy was mine but i feel nothing except a fire in me with darkness combining. For Real. Hi guys.
I got love/peace, i do care alot about love but as much on peace the explaination with my results were a little extreme though.