What is your strongest emotion? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your strongest emotion?
Your Result: Sadness 86%
It appears you are sad all the time which is your strongest emotion. You can't seem to hold in your crying and you are upset very easily. Your weakness is pain, and pain is not something you can withstand.
Ok then..
What is your strongest emotion?
Your Result: Sadness 88%It appears you are sad all the time which is your strongest emotion. You can't seem to hold in your crying and you are upset very easily. Your weakness is pain, and pain is not something you can withstand.
34% Jealousy
14% Greed
8% Guilt/Regret
8% Fear
7% Love/Happiness
0% Hate/Anger
0% Lust/Attention Whore
okI mean those situations did seem like ones where u would feel sad tho idkkkkk could just be me.
Sadness is my main emotion. It never leaves. It last all day everyday
It appears love and peace and prosperity is your strongest emotion. You want everyone to be just as happy as you don't want anyone hurt and will do anything to make everyone smile
yay i am a happy person!! and i love people that i dont even know which is kinda weird...but oh well!!!!
Me too!
Your Result: Sadness 80%
It appears you are sad all the time which is your strongest emotion. You can't seem to hold in your crying and you are upset very easily. Your weakness is pain, and pain is not something you can withstand.
58% Hate/Anger
48% Lust/Attention Whore
42% Guilt/Regret
30% Jealousy
28% Fear
26% Greed
12% Love/Happiness
Wow I am literally the opposite of happy
Hooray i guessI'm sad and angry, not surprised knowing its prob past trauma
Your result: JEALOUSY
It appears that jealousy, and the want to have what you can't have, is your strongest emotion. You will do whatever it takes to get what you want or make it happen as long as it benefits you.
Im not really happy with this answer since Im actually never jealous.
Lol ya I'm almost never greedy.
darkmad21 -
So true
Your Result: Sadness
It appears you are sad all the time which is your strongest emotion. You can't seem to hold in your crying and you are upset very easily. Your weakness is pain, and pain is not something you can withstand
make s sense bcus thats all i ever am
NOO..I bet your wonderful and dont need to feel that okay!
Yeah, I agree with thegoldenbro, it's better having sad emotions than none! Right? Besides, I may not have met you, but you probably are an amazing person! But anyways, have a wonderful day! :)
Love/Happiness 85%
It appears that love, peace, and prosperity are your strongest emotions. You want everyone to be just as happy as you, don't want anyone hurt, and will do anything to make everyone smile.
27% Sadness
24% Hate/Anger
11% Jealousy
8% Lust/Attention Whore
0% Guilt/Regret
0% Greed
0% FearIt's really true, I'm a very happy person and I just want the world to be as happy as I am. Ask literally any of my friends.
Your Result: Love/Happiness 86%
It appears love, peace, and prosperity are your strongest emotions. You want everyone to be just as happy as you, don't want anyone hurt, and will do anything to make everyone smile.
52% Sadness
50% Fear
14% Jealousy
12% Guilt/Regret
10% Hate/Anger
10% Lust/Attention Whore
0% GreedThis quiz knows me I want everyone to be happy! Hope everyone is having a good day.
How many times I HAVE to say me too is amazing because it is nice knowing there are people like me :)
Your Result: Hate/Anger 70%
It appears hate and anger run in your veins, because these are your strongest emotions. You have a lot of built up anger and hate that you cannot control, and seem to hold strong grudges a lot of the time.
62% Jealousy
40% Greed
38% Love/Happiness
24% Lust/Attention Whore
0% Guilt/Regret
0% Sadness
0% Feartiger4871-
i have paranoia, major depression, Tons of guilt just attention because im the middle kid
Hate/Anger 81%
It appears hate and anger run in your veins, because these are your strongest emotions. You have a lot of built up anger and hate that you cannot control, and seem to hold strong grudges a lot of the time.
41% Lust/Attention Whore
40% Jealousy
24% Guilt/Regret
24% Fear
22% Greed
22% Love/Happiness
0% Sadness
Well then. -
What is your strongest emotion?
Your Result: FearIt appears fear and anxiety are haunting you. This emotion says that you fear everything from the unknown to the unexpected or from anything you fear will happen to you. Everything is just too scary for you
Your Result: Jealousy 76%
It appears that jealousy, and the want to have what you can't have, is your strongest emotion. You will do whatever it takes to get what you want or make it happen as long as it benefits you.
58% Hate/Anger
58% Lust/Attention Whore
40% Greed
28% Fear
26% Love/Happiness
14% Guilt/Regret
0% Sadness
That's not true.
When was I ever jealous?STSaMSG1 -
What is your strongest emotion?
Your Result: Jealousy 79%It appears that jealousy, and the want to have what you can't have, is your strongest emotion. You will do whatever it takes to get what you want or make it happen as long as it benefits you.
41% Hate/Anger
34% Greed
21% Lust/Attention Whore
17% Sadness
12% Fear
12% Guilt/Regret
10% Love/HappinessYyyslia1 -
What is your strongest emotion?
Your Result: Love/HappinessIt appears love and peace and prosperity is your strongest emotion. You want everyone to be just as happy as you don't want anyone hurt
lol, nice outcome... except im not so happy... i just want other ppl to be.
That's nice, I am a little opposite, no offense or anything like that. I am that description! But hey, if you want, try to make yourself happy too a little :)
It appears fear and anxiety are haunting you. This emotion says that you fear everything from the unknown to the unexpected, or what you think might happen to you. Everything is just too scary for you.
I do suffer from anxiety, so this is pretty accurate.
Me too
ya i have Social Anxiety so yeah
What is your strongest emotion?
Your Result: SadnessIt appears you are sad all the time which is your strongest emotion. You can't seem to hold in your crying and you are upset very easily. Your weakness is pain, and pain is not something you can withstan
Aw.. that's sad, but hey, think of it this way, at least you have emotions, right? Sad emotions are better than none, right?
What is your strongest emotion?
Your Result: Love/HappinessIt appears love and peace and prosperity is your strongest emotion. You want everyone to be just as happy as you don't want anyone hurt and will do anything to make everyone smile
Me too all the way! :)
Your Result: Sadness 86%
It appears you are sad all the time which is your strongest emotion. You can't seem to hold in your crying and you are upset very easily. Your weakness is pain, and pain is not something you can withstand.
Ok then..
RockE1 -
Sadness,I do have bad depression and I haven't been very happy lately due to my mental abusive parents and my eating disorder but I'm trying to overcome that. Cool quiz anyways mate.
Zimswife1 -
Holy crap, jealousy. Wanting what you can't have? That is exactly me.
Though the me not having fear part is wrong; I have fear, but I have fear of not being good enough and of being annoying. Does that count? xD
Oh yeah and I forgot about that I'm paranoid. (I have paranoia xD) but yeah..does that count as fear?
It appears you are sad all the time which is your strongest emotion. You can't seem to hold in your crying and you are upset very easily. Your weakness is pain, and pain is not something you can withstand
Makes sense...
im emo... whatev-
I will say the same each time I see a comment like this, so just the comments that show your result and you'll see mine, I'm saying is, those comments are for everyone with this result.
What is your strongest emotion?
Your Result: Lust/Attention Whore 36%It appears lust is your strongest emotion..basically it means you have the sensation of feeling sexy and lustful all the time, and you want people to notice your cry for attention.
20% Sadness
16% Jealousy
12% Hate/Anger
0% Fear
0% Guilt/Regret
0% Greed
0% Love/Happiness
Bro i got that 2
I'm concerned for us
Your Result: Love/Happiness 76%
It appears love, peace, and prosperity are your strongest emotions. You want everyone to be just as happy as you, don't want anyone hurt, and will do anything to make everyone smile.
54% Sadness
9% Fear
9% Guilt/Regret
9% Greed
0% Jealousy
0% Hate/Anger
0% Lust/Attention WhoreKowgirl1-
Your Result: Hate/Anger
It appears hate and anger run in your veins which is your strongest emotion. You have a lot of built up anger and hate that you cannot control and seem to hold strong grudges a lot of the time.
Wow... O_o
Sadness 60% It appears you are sad all the time which is your strongest emotion. You can't seem to hold in your crying and you are upset very easily. Your weakness is pain, and pain is not something you can withstand.hey u know me good
I will say the same each time I see a comment like this, so just the comments that show your result and you'll see mine, I'm saying is, those comments are for everyone with this result.
Your Result: Love/Happiness
This is actually quite true. I came from a lot of pain and hardship. All I want is to share the love I have in my heart with the world because nobody deserves to be treated badly.