What is your strongest emotion? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your strongest emotion?
i got jealousy- i mean im fine with it and ill say its pretty accurate lol
with me im love and happiness because i read books and watch movies and on sad parts on certain movies /books i cry
Piece Of SH!T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It appearz dat sum mutha f---er should of betta thought out dis quiz.....cuz sadness sur as hell ain't ma strongest emotion BIAAATCH!!!!! ummmm....dat'z all......but, i sould say itz mo like ANGERRRRY and DEPRESSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the quiz is what color is your magic aura
Anger. Well i do get angry a lot and cant control it soo wasnt that suprised!
zoe87xi1 -
I'm gonaa tell you the truth, I kind of expected it.
Nahae1 -
Mine was sadness. I figured so cuz that's how I always am.
depressed is more like it
wow...that's so true. i can't withstand pain. great quiz!
misskiss1 -
Love and bravery? Oki I know I'm single but love! Oh crud
I do hv a crush on.....
Um! NVM!
Ah, Moon, You'll find it eventually
Your result: SADNESS
i can control my sadness... >:(Kenzi_151 -
Heeheehee.. i am greedy person . Thanks to quiz creator .
Luv ya
;* -
great quiz!
beauty131 -
this quiz does not work i am not a very happy person !
go drink sum bleach and die (not ma phrase i teethed it)
leiau01 -
OMG.. It's true *-*Lukaax1 -
Ahaha, there was nothing on the fear bar.
Em241 -
dead wrong!
I got guilt or regret... oh come on how bad could I have been?
hate/anger... okay then... im not reli an angry person to be honest... im more..... random..... hehe that was fun
i have hate and anger followed by love and happiness. that doesnt fit...
maddyrja1 -
wtf!!! this is so stupid!
fear lol, it's probably true since it took me five minutes to get the guts to post this
loljames1 -
i got guilt/regret with htae/anger in second