What is your strongest emotion? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by GoToQuiz.com users for the quiz What is your strongest emotion?
I like mine, Love and Happiness :)
I got jealousy
Like wtf I'm not ever jealous -
i got happiness, it was a little weird, but overall i liked it, it was obviously well thought out, good job, it gets a B+
Love/Happiness, this is so true :-)
It appears love, peace, and prosperity are your strongest emotions. You want everyone to be just as happy as you, don't want anyone hurt, and will do anything to make everyone smile.
wow.Sandness was w\second ;(
thegoldenbro-1 -
Greed 66% but I got 60% Sadness so I dunno I guess the test was accurate...
darkmad21 -
This is crazy how the Greedy part is way high. I have been without a job so long Being broke is fine with me. Lol
Vik1 -
I got love and happiness... but only 10% below was sadness. then 10% was guilt. The rest 0. So... im happy? Great quiz BTW
Anger, yay!
i got hate anger, obviously
im also a fearless
and no sadnessbenedict1 -
Hate/Anger... With love/happiness being second. 0.o
I got sadness. A lot of people seem to get sadness. I can't 100% agree with that but I am sad a lot I guess.
This quiz is good. Love IS my strongest emotion. I give it 10 stars.
Aimi got...Jealousy...Please excuse Aimi's bad spelling...Aimi is glad she has NO Fear...But serously...Jealousy?! What in the frick!? Nevermind...
ceuenfe1 -
Love/Happiness!yay! lovely quiz!:)
Hate/Anger that is so me and its all thanks to thoughs son of b****s i when to school with. btw love the quiz u should make another one
this is awesome....love & happiness
guilt/regret well that aint my strongest .. my strongest feelings are actually love and optimism and then happyness ... :) but hey this quizez aint perfect :D
alec1 -
uuuh!! its kinda true but im more happy then i am sad. ive got a great life...out of school and out of my house hahah yeah saddness is my strongest emotion....shi!!!...hahaha
whit231 -
This quiz is so true.
guilt and regret.
im always feeling bad
for everyone, even
if they dont need me too. -
I mean..makes sense I guess
I'm happy/love?
LOL I'm actually depressed that I don't really WANT to be happy anymore... XD
88% Love/Happiness
40% Sadness. -
What's that s'posed to mean?! ;A; (lol..)