DogisFake's Profile

Joined on Apr 20, 2024
Status Level: Novice
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DogisFake's Recent Quiz Comments
"Yah cool but srsly, there should be more options other than a heart shaped face or thick lips"
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"I think the guy that made this quiz is the most useless of all 🧐"
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"76% germaphobe. Washing your hands after using the bathroom constituting more then twice a day does not make one a germaphobe 🙄"
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"Pointless to answer all these questions when the score is always 100% for all not cool to waste our time like this. Delete it or change…"
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"You forgot to add OCD and borderline personality disorder, how bout psychosis too"
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"I got zero percent mental health. Anyone got any Thorazine? I blame Lady CaCa being Jokers gf aka Harly Quinn in Joker or 2. Lady CaCa…"
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"How dare you call me a schizzo!!!!!! Those cameras are for burglars not the government 😝"
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"Need more accurate questions and for a happy place a lot of the choices are dark and gloomy"
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"Autistic or Artistic? 🤔"
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"@LokWong. Did I read that right? You love having manic depression? Lol wut?"
In response to A1n2o3n4:
"Your Result: GAD (Generalized Anxiety…"