Hiccstrid's Profile


Joined on May 14, 2015
Status Level: Senior

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Hiccstrid's Recent Posts

  • "I missed you too"
  • "Yeah it's me again. I don't really know why I logged in, but anyway, hi y'all. There's so many new faces on here and probably very few of ..."
  • " Look who’s back from the dead! "
  • "This post is for anyone who happens to randomly think "Hey whatever happened to Hiccstrid?" and click on my profile and see this as my most ..."
  • Team S P O T
    "Connor you would make a fantastic rival 😂 Thank you so much girls, I'll definitely miss you both like hell. I'll probably come on to"
  • Team S P O T
    "Sure that sounds fine. She'd probably do a much better job anyway lmao"
  • Team S P O T
    "hey sorry to interrupt but I have a bit of a dilemma here Basically the phone I've been using to get on Internet is breaking. "
  • ""Psh, I don't mind," Olivia answered, giggling. "I don't know if Lillie or Tibbles would mind, but I say go for it." It was fun watching P..."
  • ""Wow Paige, you're really into this organizing stuff!" Olivia giggled. Her backpack simply contained some clothes and hygien"
  • Team S P O T
    "btw I watched like eight episodes of RBWY yesterday and they're pretty good :)"
  • "HOW TO f---ING TRAIN YOUR f---ING DRAGON: THE f---ING HIDDEN f---ING WORLD!!! (aka HTTYD 3) Yeah I was abl"
  • "And to top it all off I think this phone is breaking. The screen is literally separating from the rest of the phone. Real subtle, Via. I'..."
  • "Well whatever the case I'll always remember the date. May 11, 2019. The day I finally saw HTTYD 3 :) Thank you to "
  • "It just felt...off. Like it wasn't in the spirit of the other two movies. I don't know if I'm just not used to it yet or if it's something..."
  • "The end was great tho But seriously the trailers were kinda better. I think that almost without exception, all my favorite par"

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