Jtb1996's Profile

Joined on Jul 17, 2009
Status Level: Experienced
Jtb1996's Quizzes
- Are you a hyper freak?[published: Jul 18, 2009, 16 comments]
This is a quiz to find out whether you have hyp---ess in your blood! Just enjoy the quiz and if you are……
Jtb1996's Recent Posts
"i'm guessing you're really good at that game. anyways gotta go, see ya xD"
"lol, and alright i gotta go. take care tingo i'll be sure to give you a lengthy, corny email. see ya xD"
"i got like a 65 or so. well i didn't get a zero because my friend plays"
"wtf. LOL"
"i always think of you guys as little lol. even you ting, half the time you act like a 6 year old or a 70 year old.."
"but i know you! I know you don't remember me lol."
"hey steven. (: How old you now kid?"
"naw it's cool i just want to talk to you right now then i'll read your email some time soon and then we'll catch up (hopefully) in another c..."
"and Ting you're amazing, even if you're head is often screwed up."
"steven's my bro for real. i wish i coulda talked to him more. we were limited to "hellos" i often felt pluffie was a real pe"
"If he's anything like I was, watch out lol just kidding. If he is like me, you guys will be awesome :D (arrogance!) How's plu"
"i'm taking a break from people in general. i mean i chill with them and all but like my mind is somewhere else. and no i'm not high. "
"the dude. you know i'm all parently and stuff lol. and oh come on if its from you it must be awesome!"
"i missed you Ting."
Jtb1996's Recent Quiz Comments
"orange xD"
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"lol im the responsible one? cool i guess."
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"parricide??? wtf i dont think that really fits me...but ok just a dumb quiz. and quizmaker person shouldnt be so tough on ppl...some ppl…"
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"ahem pretty good? well yea it is except for the bad parts. eh goodish quiz. u might want to face reality sometimes though..."
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"White--- uhh really? i dont always look to the good side of things. but its true that this quiz is really good! =)"
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"cool i kno how to read and write some arabic. but how'd u get to type arabic letters. u must have one of those cool keyboards."
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"lol ur cleaner than me! but i just put in random answers for the fun of it. im not THAT messy
LOL i love the part with the roach…"
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"wtf dude that is a lot of time! i only stay an hour and a half two hours tops but only on weekends or whatever crap."
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"noise pop? quiz wasnt that bad."
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"ahem....this quiz was very accurate. family breakups and stuff. yeah my dad's "gone" and my mom's fighting wtih me...but yeah. this was a…"