MysteriousEntity's Profile

Joined on Aug 11, 2012
Status Level: Advanced
MysteriousEntity's Quizzes
- Message from MysteriousEntity![published: Apr 19, 2013, 1 comment]
*UP HERE IN THE DESCRIPTION* Hey guys I've been busy with a lot of stuff and I want all of you to……
- For xxblutixx :)[published: Jan 16, 2013, 4 comments]
This is an idea for xxblutixx. I hope you get a chance to read and consider this idea that I have. And for……
- Supernatural: Eerie Beginnings Part 3[published: Dec 23, 2012, 7 comments]
Hey! It's been a while. It is finally here guys. This is part 3 of Supernatural: Eerie……
- For Firey_Soul >:([published: Nov 16, 2012, 11 comments]
~READ THIS~ Hey Firey_Soul, you can't quit on writing! : I know I know, I always have writers block and maybe……
- Annihilation Part 1[published: Oct 05, 2012, 5 comments]
Welcome to my second quiz series! This quiz story is about the end of the world. You've managed to survive……
- Supernatural: Eerie Beginnings Part 2[published: Sep 08, 2012, 14 comments]
Welcome to part 2 of Eerie Beginnings. You left off with Stacy pushing you into the pool……
- Don't Worry... by MysteriousEntity[published: Aug 28, 2012, 5 comments]
Thank you for taking my quiz! If you haven't taken Supernatural: Eerie Beginnings Part 1……
- Supernatural: Eerie Beginnings Part 1[published: Aug 11, 2012, 10 comments]
Welcome to my Supernatural Series. I don't know how many quizzes within this series I will……
MysteriousEntity's Recent Posts
"Dragon ball Evolution "
"Love it!"
"Ugh some people are so quick to shut down what others want to do. @Br0wnieBunny This could be a fun thing to do for your friends and"
"Atari and original Nintendo"
"Creamsickle - N.E.R.D"
"Jenna Marbles Watch your parents have sex for 50 years or be able to stop watching only if you join in one time? (very difficult sorr"
"Would you rather live 1 one-thousand year life OR one-thousand 1 year lives? (live a life for one-thousand years or live multiple liv"
"Jamiroquai - Blow Your Mind"
"Pee on an electrical fence, eat poop flavored chocolate, or eat chocolate flavored poop?"
"Brown hair blue eyes"
"@Carri04 What I've noticed in most forums is that you agree with everything Bob says..."
"That's a pretty dress :)"
"It's the increase of caffeine in your soda."
MysteriousEntity's Recent Quiz Comments
"I got passionate! Nice quiz "
1 -
"Aqua. Describes me perfectly!"
1 -
"HOLY SHIZ! You made the next part!!!! I'm going to cry :') I was just about to continue my series! You're one of my favorites and I was…"
1 -
"Model Pretty! Underdressed all the way :)"
3 -
"You are the person that can think72%
well done you are in the white paradise you can excel your emotions and you can be honest to…"
1 -
"The undulating rhythm of time's lost memeories.
resul tYou are a growing wealth of forgotten moments, a swelling collection of…"
1 -
0 -
"Your Result: The Shy Guy 44%
Brown hair, purple eyes, Bobby pins in hair. He doesnt talk much....not to us that is. thats…"
1 -
you are very calm and when you stay calm you can use your ice to freeze anything.You can even freeze fire if your calm…"
1 -
"@carifoo01 Logan Lerman is on "The Perks of Being a Wallflower", Elijah Wood is Frodo from "The Lord of the Rings" series and "Wilfred",…"