Supernatural: Eerie Beginnings Part 3

Hey! It’s been a while. It is finally here guys. This is part 3 of Supernatural: Eerie Beginnings! Ok, Daniel is a vampire and you found out your true calling in life. You are the late Charles Fort’s great great granddaughter. You received his journal that contains information about the supernatural. Your job is to hunt demons, ghosts, and other paranormal creatures. Good thing you have Daniel backing you up! ;) In this part, you will meet someone very important. You will also find out an interesting fact about an “old friend”. Maybe you will forgive her? Who knows…I know. Just keep reading and thanks again for supporting my story.
Daniel – brown hair, chocolate colored eyes that can melt your soul (lol) and he’s a vampire! I would like to thank everyone who reads the series and give their honest opinions about it. The first 4 questions of this quiz will be a short summary of what happened. If you already remember what happened you can skip to question 5! I also have another series called “Annihilation”. You should check it out! Let us recap…