hey! i love mcr, and im assuming you do too! so take this quiz to find out what mcr song you are! this is judged by like your personality and stuff!!!

sorry but no ibymbybmyl or danger days bc im a new fan and i haven't listened to those yet. also no conventional weapons bc ive only heard surrender the night :(

Created by: uhh idk
  1. What's your favorite video game?
  2. pick a hobby
  3. pick a color
  4. pick an mcr member's side project
  5. pick a song thats not an answer
  6. choose another emo band
  7. choose a random singer/band
  8. what song got you into mcr?
  9. when did you get into mcr?
  10. cemetery drive or i never told you what i do for a living

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Quiz topic: WHAT MCR SONG am I??
