For xxblutixx :) | Comments

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  • ghjtyjuiek;oi
    ... I can't... can't even begin...

    I know, I know Dx the most amazing, first series out there, and it doesn't even have an ending... but oh gosh, I just... can't D: I mean YES of course I'd love to see the series have a conclusion, but I don't think I'd be able to give the story the ending it deserves. I'm sorry, but I could never hope to take over the story, especially without xxdarkxx's insight/permission. I think conclusions are one of the most crucial pieces of a good story, and it seems only right that that be left to the creator of the story. I'd rather a perfect cliffhanger to a perfect story that's the author's creator rather than an ill-fitting ending that might just ruin the appeal of the story as a whole if it's not construed right.

    I'm sorry if I let you down, and I'm honored that you think I could do it, but it just doesn't feel right.

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  • I know Bunny is awesome and could end it wonderfully but it's someone else work and I sure (even though they might of forgot about it) they wouldn't want someone else to do it! Though Bunny is a great writer!!

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  • IKR, if anyone was to conclude that series, I bet xxblutixx could write the best ending. But yeah, I get what she's saying and I understand why she wouldn't want to do it. So I guess we will all have to keep imagining it on our own. :/

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