FLgirl92's Profile
Joined on Jan 15, 2012
Status Level: Junior
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13-Year Club
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FLgirl92's Recent Posts
"Video Game: Sonic Movie: Silver Linings Playbook Band: Green Day Anime: Don't watch any TV Show: Game of Thr"
"I never really bought into the whole abstinence deal. But I definitely advocate safe sex. I can tell you from first-hand experience that pre..."
"She has long, wavy hair, usually up in pony tail or bun, usually dyed some crazy color like cherry red or burnt orange. She "
"Wouldn't all those things technically be part of the culture? Just sayin'."
"Aries is my sun sign, Sagittarius is my moon sign. So basically I have a fiery personality all around."
"As much as it hurts to not have her in your life, your mother would want you to keep living."
"Rain gets me down. Warm and sunny is more my kind of weather."
"I liked her music up until Boyfriend. That song just completely ruined my opinion of her."
"One thing is clear: telling kids not to have sex doesn't work. It is going to happen. So unless schools want more teenagers with kids or STD..."
"Picking one is hard, but I'd say that anything Green Day releases almost automatically becomes something I listen to nonstop. Coldplay's las..."
"I've done all those things. I still do number 2 a lot. It's really bad. I had one instance when I was in sixth or seventh grade where I lite..."
"My thought is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I used to be heavier than I am now, and I'd say I get about as much attention now a..."
"I don't really consider foreskin a turn-off so long as it is well maintained and clean. As far as circumcision goes, I don't see much point ..."
"Eh, I never particularly liked Alicia Keys, that song is very overrated IMO."
"Faith is a personal choice, and it starts with you. This is pretty much what I tell anyone like your friend, any person who thinks that prov..."
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