070085915's Profile

Joined on Aug 11, 2015
Status Level: Senior
070085915's Quizzes
- Who said the quote?[published: Feb 25, 2019]
This quiz is purely about many famous quotes from many famous people such as... well, I hope that you can……
- Which Family Guy character are you most like?[published: Dec 30, 2018, 1 comment]
This is my first quiz in almost 2 years... wow it's been while! Anyway, this is……
- A quiz of only one question (4) test your luck :D[published: Jun 01, 2017, 3 comments]
This is just a quiz of only one question. I'm hoping to make more quizzes to……
- Quiz #111 (and counting)[published: Apr 15, 2017, 1 comment]
It's my 111th quiz on GTQ! I think that it's worth celebrating, even more then celebrating my GTQ……
- My level up quiz[published: Mar 09, 2017, 1 comment]
I`ve almost leveled up! I could just feel that level-up bar just dying to level up, to move all the way to the……
- Guess what songs are going to be on my new CD?[published: Mar 03, 2017, 1 comment]
I`m going to make myself a brand new CD for myself, but what's going to be on it?……
- The wise-ass quiz[published: Jan 11, 2017, 1 comment]
This is a quiz about being wise. But just be warned in advanced, you will not be happy about this quiz unless……
- Will you be a better person in 2017?[published: Jan 08, 2017, 2 comments]
Happy New Year go to quiz! I hope that 2017 will be better than 2016. Knowing me you……
- Are you a true fan or a simple band-waggon?[published: Dec 17, 2016, 1 comment]
Are you a true fan or just a simple bandwagon? Nobody likes bandwagons, even if……
- MY 103RD QUIZ!!![published: Dec 16, 2016, 1 comment]
100...101...102...103! This is a quiz celebrating my 103RD QUIZ THAT I MADE!!! I really hope that you like it,……
- Are you Mac or PC?[published: Dec 14, 2016, 1 comment]
MAC or PC? A question and debate commonly asked between individuals such as yourself. But, who are you……
- Whta side of the force of Star Wars would you be on?[published: Dec 14, 2016, 1 comment]
Just a small quiz that I put together in tribute to the new star wars movie……
- The simplaest true or false test ever invented![published: Dec 13, 2016]
This is a f---ing true or false quiz. DON`T YOU DARE TAKE IT! It is so bad and I……
- How much do you know about hockey?[published: Dec 10, 2016, 1 comment]
This is my quiz about hockey. Hockey has been in our beloved world for far over a century! We……
- Are you a true Canadian?[published: Dec 09, 2016, 3 comments]
As a Proud Canadian, I do have a right to make this stereotypical quiz. If it doe's offend you, please……
- The creepy quiz pt1[published: Dec 09, 2016, 3 comments]
This is a creepy quiz. Take it seriously, as I will find out, I will creep the s--- out of you. Mature and……
- the stupidest TEST[published: Dec 09, 2016, 1 comment]
There are quizzes about random s--- on the internet, but nothing as random and as s---ty as this one, as I……
- Test your knowledge[published: Dec 08, 2016]
This a quiz just to test out your knowledge, nothing to to serious, just act smart, click on the right……
- Are you a this or that person?[published: Dec 08, 2016, 1 comment]
This or that? Bread or butter? Meat or cheese? Many things contradict each-other and spark……
- Would you survive a horror game?[published: Dec 07, 2016, 1 comment]
This a a quiz about horror games. Do i seriously need to explain anything in the paragraph that……
- The keyboard quiz.[published: Dec 02, 2016, 1 comment]
You don`t realize it, but your keyboard is a very important piece of electronically equipment. You really……
- This or that? (Car addition)[published: Nov 24, 2016, 2 comments]
This is 100% purely opinion, so if your mad that you got this score, go cry in the commentsThis is……
- This or that? (Phone addition)[published: Nov 15, 2016, 1 comment]
This or that? Well, I`am back with another series gang! I`ll start with phones, because there the……
- Would you be a good theif?[published: Oct 24, 2016, 3 comments]
This is a very good quiz to test your skills on being a thief. Are you up to the challenge? Can you……
- The summer quiz.[published: Jul 04, 2016, 1 comment]
This is a quiz about summer!This is a quiz about summer!This is a quiz about summer!This is a quiz about……
- A quiz about me. (070085915)[published: Jun 24, 2016]
This is just a quiz about me! (070085915) This is totally your opinion and I could`t care less of……
- The un-forrgoten quiz.[published: Jun 17, 2016, 1 comment]
This is just a small quiz that I threw together in class because I was bored and wanted to go back into……
- What Scooby-doo character are you?[published: Jun 14, 2016, 5 comments]
This is a quiz that I put together that took me a few weeks to put together, I hope that you……
- Random quiz #1.[published: Jun 05, 2016, 2 comments]
- How would you rate the phone company Blackberry?[published: Jun 05, 2016, 1 comment]
This is just a small quiz that I threw together called "How would you rate the……
- How would you rate the phone company Apple?[published: Jun 05, 2016, 3 comments]
This is just a small quiz that I threw together called "How would you rate the phone……
- Easiest math test ever![published: May 26, 2016, 6 comments]
This is obviously the easiest math quiz in the planet...and maybe even in the universe. If you fail,……
- How would you rate the phone company Samsung?[published: May 24, 2016]
This is just a little quiz that I threw together about "How would you rate the……
- Can you go through a horror movie?[published: May 17, 2016]
This is just a little quiz that I threw together called: "Can you survive a horror movie?" I……
- Where are these car's from?[published: Mar 18, 2016]
This is just a little quiz that I threw together called "Where are these car's from?" I spent a lot……
- Fun facts about France.[published: Mar 11, 2016, 1 comment]
This is just a little quiz that I threw together called "Fun fact about France." I enjoyed making it and……
- A quiz of only one question (3) test your luck :D[published: Mar 02, 2016, 1 comment]
This is just a little quiz that I put together called "A quiz of only one……
- A quiz of only one question (2) test your luck :D[published: Feb 26, 2016, 2 comments]
This is just another one of my quizzes that I threw together called (A quiz of……
- How much do you know about...John Cena?[published: Feb 14, 2016, 2 comments]
This is just a little quiz that I threw together (How much do you know about...John……
- How much do you know about...Donald Trump?[published: Feb 13, 2016]
This is just a little quiz that I threw together about (How much do you know……
- A quiz of only one question...test your luck. :D[published: Feb 13, 2016, 3 comments]
This is just a little quiz that I threw together because I was feeling lazy at……
- How much do you know about...Canada?[published: Feb 13, 2016]
This is just a little quiz that I threw together about (How much do you know……
- How much do you know about...Technology?[published: Feb 13, 2016]
This is just a little quiz that I threw together about (How much do you know……
- How much do you know about...the Toronto Maple Leafs?[published: Feb 13, 2016]
This is just a little something that I put together for a quiz. (How much……
- Are you a Greaser or a Soche?[published: Feb 10, 2016, 3 comments]
This a quiz that was in spired by the by the book "The Outsiders". It is about Soches and Greasers……
- What holiday would suit you best?[published: Feb 01, 2016, 2 comments]
This is a religious quiz. Not meant to be racist or offensive just for fun. Obviously none of……
- The simple quiz.[published: Jan 31, 2016]
Remember a very important saying and lemon in life, "keep it simple".Remember a very important saying and lemon……
- I bet that you can`t score over 68%[published: Jan 30, 2016]
Challenge for you can you score over 68% or will you feel like everybody else what does he……
- Are you a true Toronto Maple Leafs fan?[published: Jan 30, 2016, 1 comment]
This is a simple quiz about the Toronto Maple Leafs. This quiz will prove if you are a……
- What marvel character are you?[published: Jan 29, 2016, 1 comment]
This is a quiz that I made because I was bored. And when I mean bored, I mean super duper bored!……
- Follow my lead.[published: Jan 28, 2016, 1 comment]
- Will you be a good author when you grow up?[published: Jan 26, 2016, 3 comments]
So, you want to be an author, I may add a second part for the quizzers who really……
- Answer yes to all questions.[published: Jan 25, 2016, 3 comments]
This is just a simple yes quiz. Say yes to all questions, and you will pass this quiz with flying……
- Are you emotional?[published: Jan 24, 2016, 7 comments]
This is a quiz about emotions. Obviously. If you have seen the movie "inside out" then you will get what I……
- Who participated in my creepy corner thread...[published: Jan 10, 2016, 2 comments]
This is just a random quiz that just came to mind now. I am not expecting this……
- How much of a romantic are you?[published: Jan 10, 2016, 2 comments]
- My creepy quiz.[published: Jan 09, 2016, 7 comments]
- What food are you?[published: Jan 08, 2016, 2 comments]
- THE I DON`T CARE QUIZ!!![published: Jan 08, 2016]
I don`t care you should`t. Do you still care now? How about now? You better stop caring other wise……
- How interesting are you?[published: Jan 08, 2016, 4 comments]
People come in all shapes and sizes, colours and personalities. But they also fall into two (2)……
- How superstitious are you #2?[published: Jan 05, 2016, 7 comments]
THIS QUIZ IS DEDICATED TO; random101 There are many normal people out there and then there……
- Which came first?[published: Dec 31, 2015, 3 comments]
What came first, the wheel or fire? Sand or rock? Adam or Eve? Computers or television. Apple or Samsung or……
- My thank you quiz[published: Dec 28, 2015, 5 comments]
This is just a quiz to thank and apologize to a few GTquizers for forgeting them in some of my shoutout……
- How superstisious are you?[published: Dec 28, 2015, 5 comments]
There are many superstisious people in the world but they mosly come from sprots and "pre-game"……
- Are you part of the illminati?[published: Dec 28, 2015, 3 comments]
The illuminati is out there and they are coming and when they do come it will be so fricken`……
- Which phone is better for you?[published: Dec 23, 2015, 13 comments]
After an argument with my friends about which stupid phones are better in this messed-up society,……
- Take the true or false quiz#2[published: Dec 16, 2015, 1 comment]
Since my very first quiz "Take the true or false quiz" by 070085915 was such a big success, I`ve……
- My second shout out quiz.[published: Dec 14, 2015, 4 comments]
This is my second shout out quiz so if you were not in this quiz I strongly recommend that you let me……
- Are you a true Banana?[published: Dec 10, 2015, 3 comments]
There are many bananas in this world. We have screwed up this world so much, that bananas are the ones……
- Would you rather...[published: Dec 04, 2015, 3 comments]
This is a classic would you rather quiz.This is a classic would you rather quiz.This is a classic would you……
- How sassy are you?[published: Dec 04, 2015, 2 comments]
There are many sassy people in this world. Are you of them? If you think yes, take this quiz. If not, still,……
- How stupid are you?[published: Dec 02, 2015, 3 comments]
People are stupid. In 1996, there was a math contest. In 2014-15, there was another math contest that was……
- Which rock bands are from Canada?[published: Nov 27, 2015, 1 comment]
Canada is only known` for their amazing maple syrup, getting razzed by americans, and living……
- Take the true or false quiz for Drake.[published: Nov 27, 2015, 1 comment]
Drake is one of the most popular rappers in the world and just might be one of the……
- Take the true or false quiz.[published: Nov 27, 2015, 13 comments]
This is just a true or false quiz. Fun for everyone and with a little twist of me. If you are just……
- Do you suffer from depresion?[published: Nov 19, 2015, 6 comments]
We now officialy live in the dark ages. Nore and more people are becoming nore and more depressed.……
- My first ever shoutout quiz![published: Oct 11, 2015, 3 comments]
This is my shout out quiz. All of my closesed internet friends are in this quiz. Well...I think. If……
- Are you a true artist?[published: Sep 28, 2015, 4 comments]
Art is a place for me where you can let your imagination wander. Not get in trouble and keep private. It……
- Grade three math[published: Sep 24, 2015, 2 comments]
Grade three. Where everything changes. Where you learn more in every subject the. In any other grades. I should……
- Grade two math. (Addition and subtraction).[published: Sep 19, 2015, 1 comment]
People just love math! But after all, who doesn't?! If you want to study or take……
- Grade one math (addition, subtraction)[published: Sep 12, 2015, 2 comments]
Math. People hate that word.to in my world. This quiz is fun hopefully easy and will……
- Are you Garfield or Odie?[published: Aug 30, 2015, 2 comments]
People love Jim Davis's Garfield and friends. Garfield funny but mischievous ways get him in a lot of……
- What inside out character are you?[published: Aug 29, 2015, 7 comments]
People love the new release of the disney pixar's inside out.You may often wonder who would……
- The boring quiz.[published: Aug 28, 2015]
There are many Fun (ish) people in this world and funner people. But there are also BORING people. This quiz……
- My funner quiz![published: Aug 28, 2015]
There are many boring people than there are fun (ish) people and then in this quiz there are funner people.……
- My "fun" (ish) quiz![published: Aug 28, 2015]
There are many fun people in this world. but few are fun (ish). being fun (ish) Isn`t fun or boring, or……
- For girls only, doe's your crush like you?[published: Aug 28, 2015, 1 comment]
Love, a warm and fuzzy feeling that tickles your inside and makes you feel all happy……
- For guys only, doe's your crush like you?[published: Aug 27, 2015, 5 comments]
Love is a feeling that tingles your insides. Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy all……
- Hockey trivia; hard[published: Aug 27, 2015, 1 comment]
Hockey, and sport that people love to play. But do they even know it? How can you love the game if you don`t……
- Hockey trivia; easy[published: Aug 25, 2015]
People love hockey but do you think you know it? I f you took my other quiz, this is only level two. (2).……
- Hockey trivia; easy[published: Aug 15, 2015, 1 comment]
Hockey. The worlds second most played sport but first most loved sport. So I was thinking to myself this……
- What piece of furniture are you?[published: Aug 14, 2015, 1 comment]
Furniture, a beautiful and relaxing thing(s) that the humankind have invented. But what if you……
- Movie quotes Primary[published: Aug 12, 2015]
Movies, always a good time to have some fun and enjoy yourself. But do you think that you know or want to……
- The World do you know it?[published: Aug 11, 2015]
Most people that I know say's that the world is a cruel place. Maybe they don`t know the world just……
- Which Greek god are you?[published: Aug 11, 2015, 2 comments]
Ever wonder what would happen if you were a Greek god? I certainly do. Ever wonder which god you would……
- How much do you know about Canada?[published: Aug 10, 2015]
There are many people who make up stupid stereotypes about Canadians. Wouldn't you like to……
- How much of a losser are you?[published: Jun 25, 2015, 5 comments]
There are stupid people and dumb people. In this quiz, you will find out if you are a losser or a……
- JUST FOR FUN NO GRADE QUIZ[published: Jun 13, 2015, 1 comment]
- How Canadian are you?[published: May 18, 2015]
- How much do you know the car brand Audi?[published: May 15, 2015]
There are people who know there cars and don't. Lets get into specifics and test you……
- How Much Do You Know Your French?[published: Apr 20, 2015, 3 comments]
People have always mocked the french and there language. Try my quiz and explore their……
- How much are you like me?[published: Apr 17, 2015]
I`ve created this test to find out if people are like me. I`ve created many tests and hopefully are……
- Do you know your books?[published: Apr 16, 2015]
Do you think you know books, a book buff? Before you can go bragging to people about that, lets see how……
- How much of a video game addict are you?[published: Apr 15, 2015, 1 comment]
This fun quiz will tell you how much of a video game addict you are. An average human……
- How much of a nerd are you?[published: Apr 14, 2015, 2 comments]
There are two types of people of the world, normal people (an endangered species) and NERDs! A not……
070085915's Recent Posts
"My how fast 5 years have past..."
"Brie Larson was a terrible portrayal of "powerful" superhero. I hate politics in movie, especially when they're comic book movies which are ..."
"LOL, just got my G2 2 days ago! "
"Or if you want to rant about how s---ty high school is, or bad teachers, feel free to do so as well. ..."
"My strengths are in the Science's, the tech field and English. If you're struggling with any of those subjects, I can help you."
"But I'm in grade 11"
"An adult? Why thank you, I am flattered! "
"Let's chat!"
"Don't worry about it "
"But I'm not talking about my problems"
"I've got to admit, I am very happy by these results so far... ..."
070085915's Recent Quiz Comments
"Bro, I'm conservative, not a far right..."
2 replies1 -
"Good luck! :D"
1 -
"Ya I know, my exam is now in two days...-_-"
1 -
"Who do you think kidnapped him?"
1 -
"84%, hmm..."
1 -
"Quiz #111 and counting! There's still much more to come! ;)."
1 -
"Please tell me how y`all did fellow Einsteins! ;)"
1 -
"I`ve been wanting this CD for a long time."
1 -
"I got 87% somehow, how doe's that even work? I don`t even know you! But anyway, good quiz.
;) five stars."
2 -
"Well, I`m dead! ;)"