Which Greek god are you?

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Ever wonder what would happen if you were a Greek god? I certainly do. Ever wonder which god you would like to be? This quiz might just help you find that.

Ever wonder what would happen if you were a Greek god? I certainly do. Ever wonder which god you would like to be? This quiz might just help you find that.M

Created by: 070085915

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like nature?
  2. What is your average in school?
  3. You like...
  4. How do people fear you on a scale of one to ten. one is feared and ten is not.
  5. Do you have much power or the boss of anyone/thing?
  6. Are you diffrent?
  7. What do you prefer?
  8. What describes your mood the best?
  9. Have you ever had kids?
  10. What do you prefer?

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Quiz topic: Which Greek god am I?