How much do you know about...Technology?

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This is just a little quiz that I threw together about (How much do you know This is the second quiz in the series that I`am hoping to make.

This is just a little quiz that I threw together about (How much do you know This is the second quiz in the series that I`am hoping to make. :D

Created by: 070085915
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which of the following companys are Japanese?
  2. Which of the following companys are American?
  3. Which of the following company's are Koran?
  4. Which of the following companys are Canadian?
  5. Which of the following companies are Chinese?
  6. Which country has the most car brands?
  7. All electronics require electricity.
  8. The big chip inside radios is considered the mother stone.
  9. The first youtube video ever uploaded was called me at the zoo.
  10. Do you like technology? (No points counted)

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about...Technology?