The simplaest true or false test ever invented!

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This is a f---ing true or false quiz. DON`T YOU DARE TAKE IT! It is so bad and I Was literally drunk when I made it. It's not offensive, just...stupid. It's so stupid that I have to have my sober friend write these paragraphs for me.

This is a f---ing true or false quiz. DON`T YOU DARE TAKE IT! It is so bad and I Was literally drunk when I made it. It's not offensive, just...stupid. It's so stupid that I have to have my sober friend write these paragraphs for me.This is a f---ing true or false quiz. DON`T YOU DARE TAKE IT! It is so bad and I Was literally drunk when I made it. It's not offensive, just...stupid. It's so stupid that I have to have my sober friend write these paragraphs for me.

Created by: 070085915

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Darth Vader means Dark Father in German.
  2. Horses cannot puke.
  3. Soccer is the most popular sport in the world.
  4. Russia is the biggest country in the world.
  5. I will put true for all questions.
  6. The sun is hot!
  7. T=True and F=False
  8. i sppelt thi question wrong.
  9. There are ten questions in this quiz.
  10. The end

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