the stupidest TEST

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There are quizzes about random s--- on the internet, but nothing as random and as s---ty as this one, as I proudly introduce to you... the stupidest TEST!

There are quizzes about random s--- on the internet, but nothing as random and as s---ty as this one, as I proudly introduce to you... the stupidest TEST!M

Created by: 070085915

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What's 9+10
  2. What was the tallest mountain before mount Everest was discovered?
  3. Mary's mother had three kids, lee, lo-lo and...
  4. How stupid do you think you are?
  5. There was an abandoned fish tank in an abandoned house with nobody in it. There were ten fish in total in the tank, three died, two swam away as the rest were sleeping, how many fish are remaining in the tank?
  6. How many letters are in the title to this QUIZ?
  7. 1234567891234567891234567891234567891123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789123456789... How many errors are in the number pattern above?
  8. You're in a haunted house with no power, There are three doors, you go through the middle one, dodge a serial killer, and continue running to another three door pathway. You go through the left one this time, nothing's in there. Now there's three more door's each one with a certain death, the left one, has a crocodile pit, the middle one, has an electric chair, and the third one, has a head decapitator with two psychopaths in it, which one would you choose in order to get out?
  9. Why couldn`t the chicken cross the road?
  10. Did you think that this test was stupid enough for you?

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