The World do you know it?

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Most people that I know say's that the world is a cruel place. Maybe they don`t know the world just enough. Or maybe they just do. Do or don`t this quiz is for you so try it right now! Please.

Most people that I know say's that the world is a cruel place. Maybe they don`t know the world just enough. Or maybe they just do. Do or don`t this quiz is for you so try it right now!

Created by: 070085915

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Who has the most powerful army in the world currently in 2015-2016?
  2. Which country is the smallest in the world?
  3. Israel invented a motercycle with air conditining and heating.
  4. Amazon workers spend 2 days every two years working.
  5. Which country is the biggest island?
  6. What's the hottest/coldest place on earth during the winter time?
  7. U.S.A is bigger than Canada.
  8. French toast was invented in France.
  9. Where was the phone company invented Apple?
  10. Where was the phone company Blackberry invented in?
  11. What Continent is not owned by any country?

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Quiz topic: The World do I know it?