My thank you quiz

This is just a quiz to thank and apologize to a few GTquizers for forgeting them in some of my shoutout quizzes therefore I`ve decided to put them in this quiz...

This is just a quiz to thank and apologize to a few GTquizers for forgeting them in some of my shoutout quizzes therefore I`ve decided to put them in this quiz... M

Created by: 070085915
  1. Thank you cmpunkie (American dude) for being there as a friend.
  2. Thank you to ilovelions for being there in the beginnig with me. (You might not even remember who I am now).
  3. Thank you to the swag for being my online girlfriend
  4. Thank you d_h for...I don`t know exactly what...
  5. Thank you spinx for giving me a boost in the beginninig.
  6. Thank you ICEE CHILL for taking almost all of my quizzes and sorry for leaving you out of my shout-out quiz so I decided to add you into this one!
  7. Thank you DreamOfNight for giving me an aussomme nickname! (Maple)
  8. Thank you to you to entiny for taking lots of my quizzes and paying complements to all of them.
  9. Should I end this quiz here?
  10. Too bad:(!

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