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- 13.7K
We all love The Office's romances... they can be quirky, emotional, fun, romantic, but either way they're great to watch on the screen. But have you ever …
- 7.6K
Everybody at some point has a little psychic sense in them! The little voice that comes in your head, the wierd, …
- 30.6K
When you favour one colour over another, you are actually telling a story about your personality and behaviour! Colour preferences are innate. You are born with …
- 9.2K
Every good party has it. What, you may ask? Seven minutes in heaven. You know, that one fun kissing game where you get shoved into some closet with a guy? …
- 7.3KWhat Breed of Horse are you?3.5rated: 3.5/5Promoted 13 years agotaken 7.3K times2 comments
Horses are amazing creatures! Like humans, each has their own personality! Find out how you and horses mix. …
- 18.4K
READ!!!!!!!!!! i know in the results it says i remember when i used to feel lonley but i'm not now.and not because i'm goth or emo...Just because..idk why. …
- 52.9K
Everyone needs love, but in different ways. Some people appreciate gifts or spending time with others, while others prefer touch or kind words, or even when …
- 5.3K
do you attract you like you want boys to get to know you better.well if you answered.yes to any of those question than you need to take this …
- 14.3K
There are so many names in this world. Why not find out which is right for your child. I took this quiz, and now my twin boy's names are jared and devon and …
- 1.9K
Take this quiz to find out what Katy Perry song best describes you, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm it could be any of the them tis could tis could …