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- 32.8K
There are many creatures spanning this world, from the lowly insect to the majestic eagle. But an animal that has appeared countless times in mythology, …
- 2.2K
It is very hard to choose a great prom dress out of all of the beautiful dresses. What is a great prom dress? A great prom dress is a dress that you and your …
- 11.8K
You have to love this you have to diva you have to diva diva i know diva you do!go on diva diva use the toilet and pee diva lol boy loldiva boy …
- 3.4K
tells you about what kind of guy you like! you could be awesome or dumb or awesome or dorky or stupid or handsome or badass or a packrat or a popular person …
- 81.6K
Lots of people want to have babies, but cannot decide which sort to have, a Beautiful Boy, or a Gorgeous Girl! It depends on your personality......... X …
- 8.3K
You might be a boy/girl, but others might think you are a oppisite gender? A girl could be a tomboy? Many could just wish to find out. Lucky for you, this quiz …
- 28.5K
There are not many geography geniuses in this world, but if you take this test you'll be one of them in no time! I believe that smart person(s)is an offensive …
- 1.3K
Boys are the most werid,and confusing things in the world.Some times its so clear that he likes you or maybe its nor so clear but whatever. What ever happens …
- 10.4K
what kind of person are you? there are many different kinds of people in this world and you should find out what kind you are. sweet mean nasty kind okay …
- 1.6K
Everyone is Beautiful in there own special way after all the world would be boring if we all looked the same -_- Let me guess you are thinking here we go again …