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- 15.3K
Ever wonder what the Harry Potter characters think of you???????????? Well find out in my What do the Harry Potter …
- 4.1K
In life there are Good points and Bad points, absolute tragedies and amazing Joys. However it goes we must make the best of it we only live once, so go for it …
- 25.1K
Are you the one? Will I ever find love? How can I meet new people? Where should I look for someone with the same interests as me? This Quiz will tell …
- 16.3KDoes She Like You? (shy girls)3.45rated: 3.45/5Promoted 13 years agotaken 16.3K times2 comments
Many guys wonder whether the shy girl in class likes them, since she's been dropping mixed signals since the first day of school. Shy girls' minds don't work …
- 3.2K
Lets see what super power you will have!but warning:all powers has warnings!So use them wisely or you can doo a big KABOOM or CRACK anyway...CHUCK NORIS! …
- 1.1K
Are you eddibal??? Good luck. Please leave a comment. What I mean by are you eddibal is can people boss you around and tell you what to do. …
- 1.5K
Percy Jackson books are fantastic, the movie is amazing, but this quiz is spectacular. This quiz is quick, easy and all you have to do is answer some simple …
- 13.2K
this quiz is about you being a demigod and who your parent would be it is just for fun and for some kids like me its a big deal when you take this and are done …
- 19.7K
Do you love 'love story' quizzes AND Harry Potter like me? If you do, then take this fun and interactive Hogwarts love quiz! If you don't know much about HP, …
- 6.9K
Yay! This is really fun to do so do it. Literally. Not joking. Literally. This is totally legit. Make out. WE LOVE AMERICA AND AMERICANS! Goodnight!!! …