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- 1.5K
Everyone is interested in different people. Evereyone will eventually find someone but see if you'll have a lot of options , very few, ore none. Good luck …
- 7K
There Are A Lot Of Silly And Rude And Practical Jokers In The World, But How Many Are Annoying? You Might Be A Practical Joker, But You Might Be Very Polite And …
- 14.4K
Let me guess, your gtting Pokemon Black or White, and you can't decide what starter pokemon you want? No worries- this quiz is bulletproof. It'll be over and …
- 13.4K
This quiz is one of my greatest yet! It will tell you whether a horse just dreams to be YOUR horse or if you are even a …
- 1.6K
Yay another quiz by Mythologyfreak! Oh yeah if you're interested or like my 'Not Any Mortal Boys!' story quizzes, click my username below these two paragraphs. …
- 2.3K
Everybody has a skin color,but it might not mean what is inside you? A Christian might have brown skin or a Hindu might have pale skin? everybody is different …
- 12.7K
This quiz is about what color may look best/good on you. Remember, it's only %85 accurate. What color looks the most awesome on you is for YOU and only you to …
- 6.5K
There are many quizes out there in the world, ones to tell you how you will die, when you will die and whether you are an annoying person or not. Also, there …
- 4.6K
A lot of people like these kind of tests. They are fun! But hey! they are never to be overreacted about! Any way, have fun in them! the are cool!! …
- 17.7K
Plenty people out there hate their life! Why? Its probably because of problems, problems and more problems! The result to the hatred of lives is suicide! Did …