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- 81.4K
Okay, so here you go! It's a story generator, you know, kind of like a character generator... etc. So, enjoy, have fun, read and do over! See if you can get all …
- 2.8K
hi peace muffins draco is super hot right? this is stupid. i hate discriptions i will say a really long word now. Hyperactive antropomorphic guy. yeah there i …
- 25K
Bubble Guppies is a hit animated show on Nick Jr., starring six guppies who learn about the world with the help of their teacher, Mr. Grouper. The show is …
- 14.7K
Ahh Bruno Mars, the one we have all come to adore over the past few months.. With his hit singles 'Just The Way You Are' and 'Grenade', who can't help but just …
- 16.3K
Hey guys! The reason your probably reading this is because you want to find out if a certain guy likes you. Don't worry: This is totally normal! In Fact, I was …
- 2K
There are people who hate their names and people who ponder if their name was truley meant for them. Some don't care and some are simply devasted with …
- 75.2K
We all have opinions and beliefs, and sometimes we act certain ways. And some of us are too stubborn to believe we are stubborn... so here is the true test in …
- 5.2K
There are many people around the world tat play 7 minutes in heaven... but have you played 10 minutes in heaven? well lets see what guy you get....... …
- 5.1K
Did you ever dream about Justin Bieber being your boyfriend? well if you have that is just creepy but if you want to find out if he likes you take my quiz! …
- 33.9K
So of course you have a crush. And, unless you are already going out with him (in that case it would be pointless to take this quiz unless you are really …