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- 166K
The word "Neurotypical" can mean many different things depending on the person using it. However, most people agree that people with autism, automatically …
- 24.1K
This quiz inculdes questions about lots of celebrities! So, find out how much do you know about the Kardashian sisters, Disney actors, 50's and 60's stars, and …
- 11.2K
Aeria's MMORPG Grand Fantasia has varying character classes like most other MMORPGs. Have trouble deciding which class fits you? Take this quiz to find out. …
- 23.8K
Nailpolish.... we see it on almost every girl, almost everywhere. Whether you paint your nails or not is not up for discussion. I want you to know what color …
- 3.5K
Sure, you can easily look in the mirror and know what hair color you have, but what's your hair color inside? Is yours meant to be? Maybe..your hair color …
- 1K
So, how much do you love him? Are you crazy over him or not really? I see so many of these types of quizzes and i decided to make my own. This is my first quiz …
- 2.7K
Are you left brained or right brained? How will you know? With this quiz of course! There are only two possible answers. And NO there is no such thing as a …
- 76.6K
Being naive in some aspects preserves a kind of idealistic view the world has seemed to have lost. On the other hand some being see being naive as a weak art …
- 20.2K
There plenty of things that can describe you and your unique personality. Stones, weather, elements, and-yes-colors. This test defines what color best suits …
- 8.9K
There are many types of guys in the world. This is no ordinary quiz this one is way more descriptive and unique. This one asks the questions most are scared to …