How old are you? Really? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How old are you? Really?
Your Result: 15 yrs old
You are a teenager. You love icecream buckets and sport and studying, but your FAVOURITE thing to do is hanging out with your friends. To you, there is NOTHING better than that.
Bahaha Good quiz, but my favorite thing to do isn't hang out with my friends, or shop, or any of that stuff.. i like to read, and watch tv, and listen to music.. LOL
Adult,no not true I'm still in my teen years and don't wanna rush it either sense I already feel very old. Only nice thing about getting old is more freedom but the health deteriorates with it.
Zimswife1 -
Good quiz but some of the questions were kinda weird and had obvious answers that young kids would even know.
What the crap , I'm 12 and I got 15 . All I did was answer the most reasonable answer . And I'm barely twelve . I just turned twelve like an hour ago.
Damned double post.
Sweet, I got 15 and I'm only 12 :) People say I'm mature so yupp But i didn't like the questions..?
10-15 I'm happy with that. My friends love me because Im so funny so cool!
im 12 and got 15. I am NOT that social. actually I am really wise for my age and I took that high school diploma quiz and got 74%.
Exactly right i got ten and i am ten i live in the UK does any one else :-B
rocky 011 -
Exactly right i got ten and i am ten i live in the UK does any one else :-B
rocky 011 -
im actually 10 but I got 15 so im just to freaking awesome
Not quite there yet. I'm 14 and i got 15. I'm happy to see that I act somewhat like my age! more or less
I got 15 and Im 12. Nothing like me.
Im 13. I got 15 and it is nothing like me.
Acra1 -
Ok so answering logicly means im 10? Lame...
Hey this is pretty close! I got 15, I'm 14 =)
I got 10!But actually, I'm 15. =='
YoyoYaya1 -
Lol, I got 15 which was pretty close, but my second answer was 80, wtf? xD
Pfft I am NOT 15 I'm 11 but I am very mature
Why does everyone think I'm 15/16/17, I'm 13.
Why does everyone think I'm 15/16/17, I'm 13.
i am actually 11
- 10 today!
That was right!nice quiz
Viktor1 -
I do act like that! lol
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