Who are you in TNO Russia?

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In this test you will know what faction of the TNO's Russia represents you. I hope that you fit in one of the few factions that could be considered morally acceptable today...

Context: The New Order is an alternate history where Bukharin take the lead of the Soviet Union and then Germany won the war. Russia collapsed into many warlords waiting for unify one day.

Created by: C4brit4
  1. What type of government should Russia have?
  2. What should be the role of the church?
  3. How the economy should work?
  4. How it should be the exterior policy?
  5. How about the subdivision of the country
  6. What social values should have our nation?
  7. How should we act against the opposition?
  8. What should be the status of minorities?
  9. What should be the role of the army?
  10. What do you think about the Bukharin's Soviet Union?

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Quiz topic: Who am I in TNO Russia?
