How Much Are You One With Mother Russia?

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Russia is an interesting character and nation. His past is, as we all know, very bloody and morbid, full of war, traitory and hostility. But, Yet, none of the other nations understand the truth behind his bliss, behind his subtle smile.

How much are you one with Russia? How much do you understand what lurks in his head? By taking this quiz, you'll soon learn the truth. If you have ever been in bad times, tough situations or experiences of loneliness, then you are at least 1% one with Russia. You can't escape him~ ;)

Created by: Luka
  1. Ok, so, let's get started.
  2. Do you have any connection with Russia? (I. E. Born in Russia, Live in Russia, Family in Russia etc)
  3. You have an admirer. How do you react?
  4. How would you, if you chose to, commit suicide?
  5. All of your friends around you are slowly withering away from life. They've began cutting, only pretending to be happy to hide their tears. What is your initial reaction?
  6. You're told you have to step in in the school talent contest. Your reaction?
  7. How do you react to war?
  8. Are you answering everything honestly?
  9. When you see a sunflower, what does it remind you of?
  10. Which do you prefer out of these?
  11. How would you react if you lost your most prized possession?
  12. What would you do if your closest friend/family member died?
  13. Your best friend has moved away. How do react?
  14. How often do you cry?
  15. How do you feel about crossdressing?
  16. Classic question, favourite colour?
  17. You go out to a restaurant with 2 other friends. After the meal, what do you do?
  18. Which is your favourite out of these?
  19. How do you feel about becoming one with Russia?
  20. What would you do if you forgot your best friend's birthday?
  21. How do you feel about Anastasia Romanov?
  22. How do you feel towards the baltics?
  23. Finally, What star sign are you?
  24. If not, any of these?
  25. What about these?
  26. Finally, How much do you love Russia?

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Quiz topic: How Much am I One With Mother Russia?