How Russian are you?

Do you think one can be Russian not by birth, but just in their soul? or can it be vice versa - born in Russia, but don't feel like that? How is that possible?

Let's do a quiz to find out how Russian you are - please, don't take it too seriously. We will ask about your opinions and different aspects of your life.

Created by: Marina
  1. Where are you from?
  2. How do you feel about vodka?
  3. What do you do when you pass a stranger on the street?
  4. What do you think of your neighbors?
  5. Did you vote in the last national election?
  6. What is borsch?
  7. What is your favorite kind of meat?
  8. How do you celebrate your wedding day?
  9. Do you speak any other languages besides Russian?
  10. Do you like the Russians?

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Quiz topic: How Russian am I?
