Europe Quizzes
This is our home for quizzes on the countries of Europe. Please explore the quizzes below. Are we lacking a quiz on your country? You can contribute by creating a quiz of your own!
Our Europe Quizzes
- What's Your Secret European Nationality? [by: QuizforYouFromMe, rated: 4.03rated: 4.03/5, published: Jul 27, 2019]
Based on your personality and individual tastes, discover which European country you match up best with.
- Which WW1 European Country Are You Most Like?[by: :-), rated: 4.15rated: 4.15/5, published: Aug 18, 2021]
This quiz is where I am attempting to personify the main European countries during world war 1. This quiz is my first one in ages so it might not be that good…
- What is your European ancestry?[by: SRC, rated: 3.68rated: 3.68/5, published: Jun 10, 2015]
Do you wonder where you ancestors were from? Do you think they are from Europe? Do you wonder where in Europe they were from? Well this is your quiz!!!
- How well do you know Europe?[by: CJ P., rated: 4.22rated: 4.22/5, published: Apr 28, 2019]
Strap on your thinking caps folks! This is a very challenging quiz. I don't even think people living in Europe could achieve a 100% score: You have been…
- European Countries Quiz[by: Mintvoyager, rated: 3.43rated: 3.43/5, published: Feb 20, 2022]
So, you think you know Europe? Put your skills to the test with our Europe Quiz. From Geography, to Culture and everything in between we've got some brain…
- European Country Capitals quiz[by: Severus Snape7, rated: 3.4rated: 3.4/5, published: Feb 12, 2021]
Hello, it's me again! This quiz is about the Europe Capitals. I have included every single capital of every single country that is found in Europe. There are…
- How Much Do You Europe?[by: I love ????????, rated: 3.17rated: 3.17/5, published: Dec 6, 2011]
Europe the second smallest continent in the world only bigger than Australia. But Europe is the most amazing continent. After all the two world wars started…
- What European country should you visit?[by: Erin, rated: 3.14rated: 3.14/5, published: Jul 19, 2011]
When you think of Europe, you may think of churches, different languages, good food and history. But where should you go if you do go to Europe? There are so…
- European Geography Quiz[by: MoldyBread, rated: 2.74rated: 2.74/5, published: May 8, 2016]
If you want to know your insight of European Geography, then I guess you should try this test. You probably will not do so well. Please try not to cheat, or…
Denmark Quizzes
- Which Danish Political Party Do You Support? 2.0[by: Andefar, rated: 4.06rated: 4.06/5, published: Jul 6, 2020]
In this quiz you will find out which of the Danish parties represented in the Folketing that you agree most with. As we say in Danish: Hvem er du mest enig med?
- Which Danish Prime Minister Are You? 3.0[by: Andefar, rated: 4.2rated: 4.2/5, published: Aug 6, 2022]
This is the 3rd edition of the 'Which Danish Prime Minister' are you. Improved with better answers, hopefully no mistakes, and more and better questions than…
- How Danish Are You Quiz[by: Perrio17, rated: 3.16rated: 3.16/5, published: Oct 9, 2014]
There are many "Danes" out there, but are you a true Dane? Take this quiz to find out, and maybe learn some new things as well, maybe continue life afterwards…
- Denmark Is Not Amsterdam[by: Charlie, rated: 3rated: 3/5, published: Apr 11, 2008]
When I told people I was moving to Denmark, there were a lot of questions, some of which I could answer, others I could not, and there were also a few…
- Er du dansker eller skal du ud af landet[by: Casper, rated: 2.41rated: 2.41/5, published: Feb 28, 2007]
This is a test to determine whether your are a Dane or not. This not the test as it going to be in real life, but a newspaper had made a mini-test, you haveā¦
European History Quizzes
Find them on our European History page.
Finland Quizzes
- How Finnish are you?[by: lostnadfounder, rated: 3.06rated: 3.06/5, published: Oct 14, 2006]
To be or not to be... a Finlander. That is a question. A question worth asking and worth finding an answer to. Keep reading if you want to find an answer.
- is Finland for you?[by: meme, rated: 0rated: 0/5, published: Jul 29, 2020]
This quiz, my dear friends, will reveal the truth of how ready you are to go on an adventure to the land of liquorice, wife carrying and hot, steamy saunas
France Quizzes
- What Kind Of Parisian Are You?[by: Isabelle Ciacchella, rated: 3.05rated: 3.05/5, published: Sep 15, 2014]
"How To Be A Parisian Wherever You Are:Love, Style, and Bad Habits" is the latest book about learning to be the french sophisticated and witty Parisian lady.…
- Bordeaux Quiz of Knowledge[by: Poop, rated: 2.9rated: 2.9/5, published: Dec 9, 2007]
This quiz is designed to put your knowledge of Bordeaux and Cap - Ferret to the test! Test you skills on over 15 questions designed for incredible difficulty!…
Germany Quizzes
- How much do you know about Germany?[by: BirdyFansGER, rated: 4.75rated: 4.75/5, published: Oct 5, 2022]
Germany is located in Central Europe. It's one of the strongest economies in the world, it has a wide cultural spectrum, and its history is intense. There are…
- How familiar are you with Germany?[by: Moon Surfer, rated: 3.5rated: 3.5/5, published: Dec 26, 2007]
Germany has gone from the leader in science and industry to the most gruesome of dictatorships and on to a model European citizen all in the course of the…
- HSC Modern History: The Weimar Republic[by: Anusha Menon, rated: 2.8rated: 2.8/5, published: Sep 9, 2008]
This will test your depth of knowledge on Weimar Germany. Have you studied this key period in European history? Try to earn a passing grade.
Ireland Quizzes
Find them on our Ireland page.
Italy Quizzes
- How well do you know Italy?[by: Grazia Russo, rated: 5rated: 5/5, published: Mar 17, 2020]
Here are 10 questions to test your knowledge of Italy! Whether you traveled there or you simply like the country take this test to find out how much you know…
- What Type Of An Italian Are You?[by: ItalyGirl0917, rated: 4.03rated: 4.03/5, published: Mar 23, 2016]
Italians, come home and prove your worthiness to be called by an honorable name such as this. A true Italian has a prideful heritage and knows that they…
- Do you know Italy?[by: Child of Hecate, rated: 3.5rated: 3.5/5, published: Jul 30, 2016]
Hello guys! I'm an Italian girl who thought it would be a nice idea to create this test, because I know a lot of people around the world loves Italy. I've…
Norway Quizzes
- So Do You Think You Know Oslo?[by: MyOslo, rated: 2.86rated: 2.86/5, published: Jun 11, 2009]
This quiz is about Oslo, the Capital of Norway. It's a mix of easy questions to check how much you know about our city, its attractions, events and people.…
Poland Quizzes
- How Much Do You Know About Poland?[by: StayPoland, rated: 3.44rated: 3.44/5, published: Sep 20, 2010]
The quiz tests your basic knowledge about Poland. 10 easy questions concern Polish geography, economy, culture, language and traditions. Have fun and check…
- How Polish Are You?[by: Iga, rated: 3.17rated: 3.17/5, published: Mar 18, 2009]
There are so many people who claim to be Polish. But are they really? There are also some who don't even know about the existence of their "Polish gene". So,…
- How Polish are You?[by: E Lunatic, rated: 2.71rated: 2.71/5, published: May 18, 2010]
How Polish are you? This is the question, the answer to which I will shortly attempt to determine. Remember that Poles like me can't afford a decent…
- How Polish Are You?[by: John Kingston, rated: 2.64rated: 2.64/5, published: Nov 12, 2013]
Do you know and love everything about Poland? Or are you convinced that Poland is a land where all they do is train builders, plumbers and waitresses? Find…
Russia Quizzes
Find them on our Russia page.
Ukraine Quizzes
- What is your Ukrainian dialect?[by: PatriotUkrajiny, rated: 3.67rated: 3.67/5, published: Jul 2, 2018]
This quiz identifies which dialect you speak. Includes three major dialects.
United Kingdom Quizzes
Find them on our United Kingdom page.
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