What is your Ukrainian dialect?

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Are you a true Ukrainian? That depends on how proper is your Ukrainian language. But nobody speaks completely properly: your language depends on where do you live.

I know, there are much more Ukrainian dialects then 3, but I chose 3 major ones. If you speak in neither way, chose the way you're the most likely to say. Please be honest. Nobody's language is perfect.

Created by: PatriotUkrajiny
  1. How do you call deruny?
  2. How do you call the potato?
  3. How do you call a stork?
  4. How do you call a pan?
  5. How do you call a bicycle?
  6. What word sounds the weirdest?
  7. Did you like this quiz? (no effect)
  8. Would you vote me as a candidate for the president of Ukraine? (no effect)

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Quiz topic: What is my Ukrainian dialect?
