How Danish Are You Quiz

There are many "Danes" out there, but are you a true Dane? Take this quiz to find out, and maybe learn some new things as well, maybe continue life afterwards knowing that you have it in you to grow a beard and start drinking excessive amounts of coffee. Who knows!

Are YOU truly Danish, or just a passing tourist to this great country? Take this quiz to find out if you have what it takes to join the elite band of Danes!

Created by: Perrio17

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is a traditional Danish Toy that comes from Billund?
  2. Which Drink do you prefer the most?
  3. When going out to eat, where would you go?
  4. Which fashion brand appeals to you more?
  5. Are you Danish?
  6. Where would your next holiday be most likely?
  7. Which group of things do you think is the most Danish?
  8. Do you like beards?
  9. Where is Denmark?
  10. And finally, are you good at cycling?

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Quiz topic: How Danish am I Quiz