is Finland for you?

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This quiz, my dear friends, will reveal the truth of how ready you are to go on an adventure to the land of liquorice, wife carrying and hot, steamy saunas

are you ready for it? You sure?? I'm not. Kinda scared. You should be too. BUT FEAR NOT! I will not disown you even if you fail terribly. I promise you.

Created by: meme
  1. How do you greet people?
  2. How much do you like silence?
  3. Near or far?
  4. If the lights are red but there's no one around, do you...
  5. What do you do on summer?
  6. Sea or lake?
  7. Sauna?
  8. Public saunas?
  9. Mixed sauna with both men and women?
  10. Best summer temperature?
  11. Best winter temperature?
  12. Sport?
  13. Do you like talking?
  14. What do you do on weekends?
  15. If you need help what do you do?
  16. Do you like liquorice?
  17. And lastly.. do you know what 'sisu' is?

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