How well do you know Italy?

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Here are 10 questions to test your knowledge of Italy! Whether you traveled there or you simply like the country take this test to find out how much you know about it.

You result is based on the average of correct answers. Try to test yourself without looking for info online. Try to be fair to yourself! So what are you waiting for?

Created by: Grazia Russo
  1. What's Italy's nickname?
  2. What's a calzone?
  3. What was Italian currency before Euro?
  4. How many types of Pasta are there in Italy?
  5. What do Italian traditionally eat at Christmas?
  6. Where does Italian Language derive from?
  7. What's Italy's highest mountain?
  8. Why is it easy to recognize Italy on a world map?
  9. What ancient population was from Italy?
  10. Where is the Italian language mainly used for its melodic sound?

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Quiz topic: How well do I know Italy?
