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- 3.5K
Undertale, a game about a kid falling into a hole in a mountain... Cool eh? I'm not gonna spoil it much so don't judge me. There are many lovable and MOST HATED …
- 2.3K
There are many animal names, but few are worthy to pass as true names. Animal names, afterall, tell you more about the person or animal. What do your friends …
- 3K
There are all types of people in this world but, there are two common types. Girly girl or tomboy. Girly is more like getting all dressed up fancy and tomboy is …
- 3.1K
I only did this quiz because its 10:00pm and I'm bored.Please don't take this seriously.Chack out my other quizez(warning Deeps in quiz :P)so yeah.:|. …
- 2.5KWill you be a good parent?3.47rated: 3.47/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 2.5K times2 comments
There are many young people out there wanting to know if they would be a good parent. They can't find out because they can't see their future. Well Lucky you I …
- 3.6K
From the bikini body to the perfect smile, people all over the world are pretty. Some may be more than others, or not pretty at all. The question is, are you …
- 4K
I WILL NOT CHEAT IN ANY WAY! No question asks you about your age or grade or anything like that. …
- 3.8KHow Intuitive Are You?3.23rated: 3.23/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 3.8K times
Einstein once remarked: "The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and …
- 3.2KWould I date you (girls only)2.86rated: 2.86/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 3.2K times
This quiz is just so I can level and because I'm bored and kinda tired of making these paragraphs that take too long to type. Anyway don't ta!e this seriously …
- 2.8KWhat power do you have3.31rated: 3.31/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 2.8K times
There are many powers in the world and everybody has one . Most people keep them hidden but with questions you can find out anything about a person!!! …