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- 1.7K
I hope you enjoy this quiz. I made this a proper multi-result quiz. It only took me like a million kazillion hours to set it up. I'm nine, so please no hate if …
- 2KWhat unusual name should you have? (Girls)3.64rated: 3.64/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 2K times3 comments
There are many quizes about what's your true name, but this one is unique. Because I found very unique names on the Internet especially for this quiz. …
- 2.8KWhats your future job?3.74rated: 3.74/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 2.8K times1 comment
Do you want to find out your future job? Well take this quiz and its really fun and there is only 12 questions. You can ask yourself, friends, or even your …
- 4.4KAre You A Tough Person or a Wimp?3.4rated: 3.4/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 4.4K times2 comments
The tough guy is the most respected member of society. The tough guy is the person people go to for advice and safety. To get somewhere in this world, you have …
- 5.1K
There are many hot and ugly people right now.But when you think about it are they going to still be hot or ugly in the future.Also are you going to look hot in …
- 9.1K
What kind of weather describes your personality the best? Take this quiz to find out. Answer honestly and you will get …
- 3.1K
Everyone has some emotion behind their smile, whether it's something they are trying to hide, or just something that's there. It could be sadness, anger, or …
- 2.5KThe Color Personality Test3.51rated: 3.51/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 2.5K times3 comments
Almost everyone has a favorite color. Even if you don’t think you have one, you’re probably still more naturally drawn to some colors more than others. We …
- 3.2Kwhat animal represents your personality?3.5rated: 3.5/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 3.2K times3 comments
This quiz is all about what animal represents your personality the best. Comment what your results are and I hope you have fun with this quiz!!!!!!!!! …
- 14.8K
Everyone is going to have a future, but not everyone is going to have a good one. What type of future will you have? *Warning* This quiz is highly accurate and …