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- 2.5KWhat type of archaeological feature are you?2.84rated: 2.84/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 2.5K times
There are many different types of archaeological features in the world. Have you ever wondered what type of archaeological feature you would be if you were an …
- 44K
There are a lot of amazing Disney movies out there, which one should you watch? Pixar movies excluded! Take this quiz to find out which Disney movie suits you …
- 3.7K
Many people make mistakes in life, but some people don't realise how stupid they are.this is a test to find out how stupid you really are. It could be what you …
- 5.7K
There are millions of cool animals that have gone extinct, either because of natural disasters or human hunting. Its fun to learn about how these animals looked …
- 7.7K
Discover your Personality Type with this test! The Personality Test was designed to accurately tell you what type of personality you have. If you want to know …
- 7.3K
It takes a true person to become something good in life. Your future depends on if you are good or bad. I hope you all have a good future.Enjoy your young life …
- 51.2K
We all, at least I have, been wondering, what Yandere character are you? Are you a creepy serial killer? An secret evil girl? A loner! Damsel? Or a social …
- 7.5KWhat advice do you need right now?4.05rated: 4.05/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 7.5K times2 comments
Sometimes we all need some support. I think we all need to support each other more since life can be really difficult for all of us. Thanks for clicking on my …
- 3.2KHow Well Do You Know SevenPerfectAngels?3.43rated: 3.43/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 3.2K times
There are many lovers, but few people who look into the details. It is okay, do what your interest tells you. Do you like the internet? Or are you either a …
- 1.7K
I hope you enjoy this quiz. I made this a proper multi-result quiz. It only took me like a million kazillion hours to set it up. I'm nine, so please no hate if …