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- 2.5K
Fire, Earth, Water, and Air are the four simple elements. Each of these creative elements are necessary for human life, the each have both positive and negative …
- 7.8K
this blah blah blah i am gussing your name sorry for typing i have to write a hundred 50 chatacter i am going to guess you name if you are smart enough well …
- 14.8K
So we have so many Vee team members out there, but only little are really knowing of who Jessii Is, are you one of them? …
- 10.5KWhich Lolirock character are you?4.18rated: 4.18/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 10.5K times
So, my sister begged me to make a Lolirock quiz. So, here it is. Hopefully you all like it. I didn't try very hard making it, just added some random stuff. …
- 3.1KAre you HOT or NOT?2.98rated: 2.98/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 3.1K times3 comments
Welcome to my quiz. Today, you will find out if you are HOT or NOT. Answer these questions honestly and truthfully or you might get the wrong result! Thank you! …
- 9.3K
There are many edgy people, but true few edgelords. Edgy is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a edgelord? A edgelord is someone who has an extroardinarily …
- 10.7K
There are four seasons in the year: Spring, Summer, Winter, and Fall. In this quiz you can find out which one describes your personality the best according to …
- 4K
Warning: This quiz is EXTREMELY accurate. There is absolutely no way to take it and get a false result. So take the quiz, and find out if you're really …
- Quiz3.08rated: 3.08/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 1.6K times
In this quiz you will be tested on if you are a fan of, and how good you are at it, the results you will be rated from noob/newbie to master. Hope …
- 6.4KTrump or Hitler quote?4.02rated: 4.02/5Promoted 8 years agotaken 6.4K times3 comments
In internet discussions in particular, you can often see the fallacy "reductio ad hitlerium", where someone just compares another to Hitler in order to win an …